
This page contains references to HASS.Agent problems and solutions that can't easily be fixed code-wise.


If you come across a bug, the best way for the dev to help you if you can provide HASS.Agent's logs. Open the Configuration window, navigate to the Logging page and click Open Logs Folder:


In there, sort by date, and open the latest log. You can ignore the files containing restart or update etc. in their name:


Attach the content of the log to a GitHub ticket.

If the log's not showing anything interesting, you can enable Extended Logging:


Restart HASS.Agent and try to reproduce your error.

Note: disable this afterwards, as it can make the logfiles grow really large!

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application

Problem: HASS.Agent crashes, showing the following log entry:

The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID 
 and APPID 


Thanks @hastarin!

Running HASS.Agent on x86 OS

Problem: HASS.Agent is compiled as x64 and won't run as-is on the x86 build of Windows.


Thanks @onexey!

The integration isn't publishing through MQTT

Problem: even though everything's configured, the integration isn't autodetecting anything through MQTT

Fix: make sure that the MQTT user of both HASS.Agent and HA have access to the integration topic: hass.agent/#

Thanks @DavidD!