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Integration Development Lifecycle

Here is a good diagram showing the development lifecycle

flowchart TD
  subgraph "Local Directory"
    repoLocal["Local Repo Folder"]

  subgraph "HA Dev Container"
    haContainer["HA Dev Container"]

  repoLocal -->|Copy files| haContainer

  editFiles(Edit files in HA container and test changes)
  copyBack(Copy files back to the local repo folder)
  commitPR(Commit changes and submit a PR to the upstream repo)

  haContainer -->|Begin| editFiles
  editFiles -->|Complete| copyBack
  copyBack -->|Submit| commitPR

Events in order

Copy files

Make sure the local repo folder is in sync with upstream and then copy the custom_components folder from the local repo folder to the .config directory.


Start the dev container and start editing files.


Finish testing and editing, and then copy the custom_components files back to the local repo folder.


Upload/Commit changes and submit a PR to the github organization.